6 Proven Ways to Reduce Cost of Mobile Application Development

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

From everyday life to workplace productivity to health tracking to connected ecosystems of devices and gadgets that keep our life smarter, mobile apps are everywhere. Naturally, the demand for mobile apps is shooting high, and the competition instead of bringing down the development cost is pushing it higher. 

Thanks to innovative features and exceptional UI/UX attributes, mobile app development cost pretty high. If you want to keep your app stand out from the crowd in terms of user experience and sophistication, the development cost is likely to be higher. But to stay competitive and solvent as a business, you need to find measures to reduce development costs. 

How can you reduce app development cost? Are there any proven and effective methods that work well in reducing the cost of development? Yes, the world’s leading development companies offer us several time-tested tips to reduce mobile app development costs. Here we explain a few of them. 

Insist on Having a Precise Documentation

Before you start with the app project, you should have a clear picture of what you need from the app, what users can expect from the app, how the app is going to fulfill user expectations and deliver you results in terms of business and finally, the app features and its real-life benefits and advantages. These aspects must be clearly documented besides mentioning the key app features, how it will work, the typical UI/UX attributes, and how a business will be converted. 

Maintaining Strict Requirements

Once you have a clear concept of the app Ali g with features and UX/UI attributes, you can clearly understand the requirements of tools, framework, technologies, and manpower who will shape the app idea into a reality. Clear elements for the app project are essential to understand the development budget and accordingly fix things well in advance to reduce cost. A precise and strict list of requirements is crucial for reducing the development cost. 

Select the Mobile Platform 

Do you want to build the app for iOS or Android? Or do you want to make it as a cross-platform app? Do you want to launch the app on both platforms simultaneously, and do you just want to opt for one platform at a time before launching it to another? These are the questions that you need to ask for cost assessment. If you go for starting on a platform first, the cost would be a little less. 

Build an MVP App

Another proven method to build an app at a reduced cost and then enjoy the scope of improving the app further with frequent value additions is highly popular now. It is called a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach that helps to keep the initial development cost and time significantly lower. The IndianAppDevelopers company catering to small business and startup apps find this approach helpful for keeping the initial development cost lower for their clients. Once the app is out and live, you can further improve it based on feedback. 

Only Use Core and Elementary Features 

It sounds like the rationale behind the MVP approach. Just like the MVP development approach, you can allow core features for the app and leave the scope of value addition with developers. Only use bare minimum features that are absolutely necessary for the user experience of the app. Stripping off fewer essential features will reduce the cost to a great extent.

Use Free and Open-Source Frameworks

These days several leading development frameworks and tools co e as free and open source. Using these frameworks to build the most important app features, you can significantly reduce the app development cost. You can also use free templates to develop the user interface and look and feel of the app. Often these frameworks and tools come with robust online community support to make things easier for the developers. 

Outsourcing the App Development

In-house development engaging its own team of expert developers is always expensive as you need to bear higher overhead costs besides the cost related to Human Resource management. Moreover, when hiring the top developers, you must pay the best salary and remuneration package that sounds lucrative. For hiring an in-house team of developers, you have little room to reduce costs. 

In contrast, by outsourcing the development project, you can just opt for the most talented developers with a highly competitive price tag. You need to go for most trustworthy developer companies with a robust portfolio and a very competitive rate. 

Test Early and Test Often

This testing early and testing often is the well-known approach of agile development methodology. The agile development approach has been particularly popular because of the continuous testing that leaves no scope of finding unexpected errors and faults at the end of the development. When an app is built, and you discover glitches and errors, several things may need to be rebuilt, and consequently, the cost burden will add to the overall app development cost.

This is where the agile approach helps by breaking the entire project into small sprints and carrying out tests for every sprint separately. This development process helps testing app features and user experience frequently and at several milestones. Naturally, all functionalities and features remain tested way before the final app takes shape. This ensures leaving any scope for finding errors leading to rebuilding the app.


All the ways we mentioned above for reducing development costs will also help bring out the app in the market faster. Faster time to market helps an app getting traction and sales early. This will help meet the ROI target more quickly from the app project faster. 

  • JohnSmith

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