What are JD, JP, JS, CV, KPA, KPI? Their significance for recruiting personnel

Around the time you graduate and start looking for a job, most people will probably come across a lot of the terms JD (Job Description), JP (Job Profile), JS (job specification) and CV (Curriculum Vitae). So, what do these terms mean? The same article learns more about these phrases through the information below.

What is JD (Job Description)?

JD (Job Description) is a job description sheet about the specific functions and duties of an employer. A standard JD, must contain all the information such as position, tasks, responsibilities, job targets, powers …

Required content of a JD

There is not a standard framework for JD, but experts say that in order to make JD attractive to candidates, employers need to ensure the following information:

– Job, position: Every business has an organizational structure, so employers need to show where the unit is in need, thereby helping candidates more easily visualize. The information about the job, the workplace, … also needs to be complete.

– Description of responsibility: This is extremely important because it will help candidates understand what the job they will undertake, what needs to be done to complete well and why all requirements are fulfilled.

– Capacity base: In order to meet the job, candidates need a background of knowledge – hard skills – soft skills. Therefore, in JD, you cannot ignore these basic standards.

Not only does it make recruitment easier, JD also means a lot of things.

Specifically as:

– Through JD, the administrator knows whether the arrangement of employees is reasonable, has solved the tasks, goals or not. From there, help unreasonable detection to reorganize personnel and arrange the workload to suit the best.
– JD is an important base for recruiting, training and training personnel. This is the basis for managers to consider whether such salaries and benefits are reasonable for that position, are high, low or consistent with the general market level, in order to establish a policy. effective personnel.
– JD helps human resources managers to develop appropriate salary and welfare policies through each development period of the company, ensuring equity among positions.
– JD supports the Management Board to evaluate the performance of each department and position, from which to have a comprehensive view of work efficiency.

(Job Profile – roughly translated as “job profile”)

In terms of functions and tasks, JP (Job Profile) is similar to JD (Job Description). However, with certain improvements, nowadays, many businesses have moved to build JP instead of JD.

Why do many businesses advocate building JP instead of JD which is so familiar?

If JD primarily answers the question “What to do?”, JP answers at the same time two questions “Mainly doing?” And “How to do well?”.

Most JDs today only describe to the person who holds the title what to do – exactly the name “job description”. When moving from JD to JP, readers will understand what this title will do (KPA – Key Performance Area), and which criteria will be assessed through which (KPI – Key Performance Indicator). In fact, KPA implies the meaning of a major field of work, which can be understood as equivalent to a function.

For example, one of the KPA of the human resources department is recruitment, which means that this department has a recruitment function. KPI is the main index or measure to evaluate the performance of an individual (or a department). In JP, each job will have at least one key criterion for measurement and evaluation. For example, in the JP of a human resources manager there is a KPA that is “recruiting” and the corresponding KPI for evaluation may be “the time to meet recruitment requirements”.

Unlike JD – which lists a lot of work that employees have to do, JP only lists the main areas of work. When replacing JD with JP, the corresponding title holder not only understands the tasks he has to do, but also understands what criteria he or she will be assessed for performance. This will motivate people with JP trying to strive to complete the work according to known criteria.

Another important part of JD is the JS (job specification). This is the system of requirements, requirements on standards and conditions of each position to complete the functions and tasks described.

What is CV (Curriculum Vitae)?

CV (Curriculum Vitae) comes from Latin and means resume. This is a document mainly used when applying for a job and is considered an important indispensable element in the resume. A CV is considered an introduction, demonstrating the ability and desire of the candidate to recruit.
When writing a CV, candidates should write all the following information: Personal information (Full name, date of birth, hometown, email, phone number), information about education level ( diploma, university, professional …), information about work experience, skills, career goals and certificates and awards achieved.

Some notes when writing CV

– Do not use words that are too exaggerated, brief and concise.
– Do not write down all the jobs you do, the skills you have but filter the things related to the position you apply for.
– Pay attention to the keywords in the job requirements to put information into the appropriate CV.
– CV length of 1-2 pages is most suitable.

See more: What do the acronyms Ltd, J.S.C, or Plc mean?

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