5 Software Development Risks That Are Easy To Avoid

Sometimes, fully-planned software development projects can run into trouble. No matter how much effort and critical thinking you have put in the project, it may face difficulties you aren’t aware of. There are always some risks associated with the software development project that needs careful monitoring and handling. Risks may be small enough to be negligible or maybe huge that affect the whole project’s functioning. You need to always remain to alter during the software development process so that if any risk arises it can be handled at the early stage without going any further. Proper risk planning and identification should be performed in order to find risks associated with the project. Strategies and set of preventive actions should be produced in order to avoid or minimize the occurring risks.

In this article, we are going to unveil the most common risks that occur in software development projects and how you can tackle them in easy ways.

Tight Schedules

Normally project managers face the difficulty when tight project delivery timelines are assigned which may affect the whole project development process. To handle such a situation all they need to do is increase resources involved in the development. This strategy is practiced by experienced project managers called ‘crashing the schedule’ where an increased number of team members are assigned the project’s critical path. It significantly reduces the project development time but requires attentive handling of the resources. Fast-tracking strategy can also be implemented that allows teams to parallel work on two different phases like requirement analysis and development, as it helps in delivering software projects at a faster pace.

Budget Changes

Commonly, budget changes occur in every software development project. This happens usually because of scope creep, where you proceed with a clear set of requirements but when you go further various new requirements are added or deleted. This results in a mess and may destroy the entire project’s functionalities. Often, engineers may fail in understanding the client’s requirements and end up developing a project with multiple extra functionalities that don’t relate to the project at all. Make it clear to your team that irrelevant and unapproved functionalities shouldn’t be added to the project as it will only increase the budget, to which client will never be agreed upon.

Technical Issues

A frequent risk that may arise in a software development project is technical difficulties. It includes software integration, information privacy, data security, compliance and large-scale system implementation. These are some of the unpredictable problems you are most likely to run into during the development process. In such situations, you’re left with risk management to identify and monitor risks that hold the highest priority and severity. First, you need to identify the controls that are used to manage the identified set of risks. Other remaining risks may be controlled while you design your development strategies known as residual risks. Risk mitigation strategies include avoiding risk entirely, transferring it to third-party, financing or accepting it.

Poor Management

Many of the software projects failures are blamed over to time constraints or budget overshoots. Lesser do they know that the underlying reason is poor project management that not only messes up all the important project-related things but fails to monitor the whole process flow. From understanding requirements to coming up with the right strategy and assigning related tasks to the efficient person, everything depends on project managers. When managers are at blunder, the whole project faces huge failure. Project managers should efficiently handle all the risk alarming situations and prevent it from occurring again. Proper planning with clearly defined tasks and timelines should be maintained with elaborative documented processes and strategies.

Unplanned Losses

If projects get expanded in scope it eventually drives extra costs into the project with an increased amount of efforts. It may not be planned and may result in the software development company’s loss. A huge amount of rework is attached with the changing requirements and if the Waterfall method is picked up for the implementation then it may require even more work. It’s common that your rework isn’t included in the defined budget for a software project. Every project contains linear sequential phases that are further divided into numerous sets of activities. Thus, software development company should keep an eye on unplanned occurrences and handle them at an early stage in order to save the company from huge losses.


Risks are often ignored by various software development companies and they continue to work on the development process neglecting how it may affect the whole project. Risks should be identified effectively in-order to determine the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats attached to the development of a software project. You should evaluate your whole project from the above-defined risks. You should involve risk management into your software development project to efficiently come up with risk prevention strategies for maximizing results, ensuring smooth functioning and delivering a risk-free project.

  • JohnSmith

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