The Ultimate Guide to Memorizing the Multiplication Table

Learning the multiplication table is a foundational math skill that students need to master. However, memorizing all the facts from 1×1 up to 10×10 can be a daunting task. In this comprehensive guide, we provide tips, tricks, and strategies to help you or your child memorize the multiplication table quickly and effectively.

Why Memorizing the Multiplication Table Matters

Knowing the multiplication table by heart provides several benefits:

  • It builds number sense and improves math fluency. Recalling facts instantly frees up mental energy for harder concepts.
  • It reinforces the foundations for learning higher math. Multiplication underlies fractions, decimals, algebra, and more.
  • It develops mental math abilities. Strong memorization reduces dependence on calculators.
  • It boosts confidence in math. Fluency leads to less math anxiety and more success.

Overall, memorizing the multiplication table is a worthwhile investment that pays off across all areas of math.

Tips to Memorize the Multiplication Table

Follow these proven techniques to master the multiplication facts:

Learn Small Chunks at a Time

  • Break the table into bite-sized pieces of 3-5 facts per session. Go slowly.
  • Start with easy familiar facts like 1x, 2x, and 10x tables. Build up from there.
  • Mix it up. Bounce between different facts each time to strengthen associations.

Apply Rhythms and Rhymes

  • Set facts to a musical beat or song to connect them rhythmically.
  • Makeup rhymes or chants to engage your creative brain. For example, “Six times seven is forty-two. Six times eight is forty-eight, too!”

Use Mnemonic Devices and Patterns

  • Link facts to memorable words or sentences. For 7×7, think “Seven was sent to heaven at age 49”.
  • Spot patterns like square numbers (4×4 = 16) and doubling/halving (2×6=12 so 4×6=24).

Practice Through Games and Activities

  • Say facts aloud while hopping, clapping, or tapping them out.
  • Race against time or others to instill fluency.
  • Play multiplication bingo, flashcards, matching games, or math war.

Frequently Test and Review

  • Quiz yourself often, randomizing the facts.
  • Use timers to improve speed. 5 seconds per fact is a good goal.
  • Note which facts you struggle with and review them more.

With fun and frequent practice using these methods, the multiplication table will quickly become second nature.

12 Advanced Strategies for Multiplication Mastery

Ready to take your memorization to the next level? Here are some powerful techniques used by math competition winners and memory champions:

  1. Link numbers to images: Connect each number to a picture. For 6×7, imagine 6 cats with 7 legs.
  2. Tell stories: Create wacky narratives using the numbers. “Once upon a time, 7 monsters ate 42 pancakes…”
  3. Apply peg words: Associate facts with rhyming words. 9×9 = 81 sounds like “wine”.
  4. Chunk it: Break a fact into smaller pieces. 8×12 = (8×10) + (8×2) = 80 + 16 = 96.
  5. Find doubles: If you know 7×7=49, use the double 7×14=98 to get 7×13=91.
  6. Think combinations: See 4×6 as (2×6) + (2×6) = 12 + 12 = 24.
  7. Use finger tricks: Count 6 fingers on 1 hand for 6×1. Put down 2 fingers for 6×2.
  8. Skip count: Count by 7s, 8s, 9s etc. Saying the sequence reinforces the facts.
  9. Write in groups: Organize tables in grids, circles, or triangles to make patterns clearer.
  10. Color code: Use different colors when writing facts to build connections.
  11. Picture multiply: Visually show arrays, groups, or number lines.
  12. Overlearn: Keep practicing past mastery so the facts become instinctual.

With creativity and persistence, anyone can master the multiplication table. Turn memorization into a fun challenge instead of a chore.

Making Memorization Stick Long-Term

Once you have put in the work to memorize the multiplication table, you need to be sure it sticks. Follow these tips:

  • Review facts right before bed and after waking to hit your memory during peak times.
  • Rehearse more difficult facts multiple times per week, even after you know them.
  • Find ways to incorporate facts into daily life, like using 6×8=48 to calculate a dinner bill.
  • When you get older facts wrong, don’t let mistakes slide. Correct yourself and reinforce the right fact.
  • Periodically time yourself on the full table to check your fluency. Aim to get faster and more accurate.

With regular reinforcement, the multiplication table will become deeply ingrained long-term.


Learning the multiplication table is a foundational math milestone. By applying memorization strategies like rhythms, mnemonics, and games, students can master the facts with joy and efficiency. Consistent review ensures fluency lasts over time. An effort upfront to memorize multiplication builds skills and confidence that pay dividends across all higher math studies. With the right techniques, parents can enable their kids to memorize facts swiftly instead of getting bogged down. A strong multiplication foundation sets learners up for success with more complex math down the road.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to memorize the multiplication table?

With diligent practice, most students can memorize the multiplication table in 2-3 weeks. Breaking it into small chunks and practicing a little bit daily is key. Allow extra time for struggling learners.

What’s the best age to start memorization?

Most kids begin memorizing around 3rd grade. But you can introduce easier facts as early as 1st grade by singing songs and playing games. Wait until at least 2nd grade to push rigorous memorization.

Should we learn the division facts too?

Division facts align to multiplication, so you can learn them simultaneously. But focus first on memorizing the multiplication table, since it is more foundational.

What if my child is struggling?

Take the pressure off. Work slowly with only a few facts per day. Use hands-on methods like flashcards, rhythms, and skip counting. Seek help from teachers or tutors if needed. Be patient and celebrate small successes.

Are math apps and games good for practicing?

Yes, apps and games can make memorizing more motivating and enjoyable. Look for ones aligned to your child’s level that allow you to customize the facts practiced. Monitor their use so it stays educational.

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