Eight Practical Tips For Writing Thesis

Starting to write a thesis, you cannot just start writing the initial-introduction. That introduction is the most critical part of the thesis, which comprises all its advantages that are put forward to defend the overall thesis. There are also lots of essay writing, research paper writing, thesis writing service provided online. You can make use of these services. For more information about those kinds of services, you can visit Cheetahpapers.

  1. Beware of Words, Sentences, and Long Paragraphs

The human mind more easily retains simple or simple ideas when reading. For readers, it is much easier to read than once to read immediately. It is better to select a short word than a long word. Example: child, instead of creature; capable instead of competent. Prefer the simple to the complex; the common words to the scientists, even if the work is scientific.

On the other hand, it is also convenient that the sentences be as short as possible. Example: The lesson was too heavy for participants who had not yet received instruction in the subject under study. This sentence can be divided into two: The lesson was too heavy. The participants had not received instruction in that subject.

Finally, you should also avoid long paragraphs. These, at first glance, discourage the reader. A paragraph must indeed contain a sentence with the central idea; two or three that support or develop that idea and a finale that concludes it. But each of these sentences must be short so that the paragraph is simple.

  1. Avoid Unnecessary Words

In a thesis, point it out well, adjectives and adverbs are not necessary. Example: That service offered by the university is necessary because of the bad organization you have. The bad adjective is unnecessary. If it is removed, the sentence does not change. Remember that the writing must be objective. It should not show the feelings of the author and, in general, adjectives and adverbs reveal how the author feels about the situation.

  1. Decide!

Decide if you are going to use singular or plural, me or us, or the impersonal form will be. Whatever it is, it must be constant throughout the document. If it is decided by the impersonal one or the first singular person, I must not write our country when it is talking about Mexico, or our students if it is referring to the students that you are teaching.

  1. The Gerund Ruins Your Work

Avoid the gerund. If the action you express is not simultaneous to that of the verb in the sentence, do not use the gerund. Example: Students wrote with pen, putting aside books. This is correct if at the same time that the students wrote they were also putting aside the books, but really what is meant is that before writing, they set aside the books. This should be written: They put aside books and wrote with a pen.

  1. Don’t Use Vague Terms Like et cetera or Several Authors Say !!!

The word and so on is generally used when one no longer thinks what else to write. Example: For a manager, it is important to know your employees, their family history, their ideologies, habits, etc. Many other things should interest an administrator about their workers, for example, their philosophies, their hobbies, their interests, their fears, their attitudes, their knowledge, their skills, their values. However, the author put, etc. That allows the reader to add what he wants. The thoughts of the author may not be as deep as those of the reader. Therefore, in the thesis, it is not allowed to use vague terms like et cetera, and neither … and others; several authors; the theorists; researchers.

  1. The Use of and/or is Prohibited

In some languages, there is no combination and /or, even if used by banks. It is an anglicism. It must be used and u or. The and unites words or clauses; It is a copulative conjunction. For example, My brother and I will go to the creativity contest. The or denotes different or separate; It is a disjunctive conjunction. The sentence, in this case, can be written: My brother or I will go to the creativity contest.

  1. It is Dangerous to Write in Negative

It is necessary to write what must be done, manufacture, produce, build, elaborate, fix, execute, effect, verify, practice, perform, exercise and not what should not be done. For example, Teachers should not start class before introducing themselves to students and letting them present themselves. It is necessary to write in positive, so this sentence should be written like this: Teachers should start the class by introducing themselves to the students and letting them present themselves.

  1. The Great Writings Are Written With Few Capital Letters

In some languages, the capital letters are little used. The names of the months, the days of the week, the languages and nationalities, all are lowercase unless they are the first word in a sentence.

At no time should an entire document be written in capital letters. If you write words in capital letters, they should be accentuated.

Example: CHAPTER. A document written entirely in capital letters is unacceptable. It is horrible to write the Great Homeland that we all love with all our hearts, for example.

  • JohnSmith

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