How to Create Effective Health Service Guest Posts?

What is a guest post service?

A guest post service involves writing and publishing an article on another website or blog in order to gain exposure for your own business or website. Health service providers like doctors, dentists, chiropractors, therapists and more can benefit from high-quality guest posting on relevant sites in their industry.

Guest posting allows health service providers to establish themselves as thought leaders and experts in their field by providing value to readers through informative content. At the same time, a link back to the guest poster’s own website is included in the author bio or page footer, which helps drive referral traffic.

What should be included in a guest post?

An effective health service guest post should provide useful information and actionable tips to readers while organically integrating mentions of your specific services. Here are some elements to include:

Relevant topics. Choose subjects that align with the focus of the site you are guest posting on. For a health blog, this could be a specific condition, treatment, technology, research findings, etc. Make sure the article is interesting and beneficial to readers.

Expert advice. Share your professional knowledge and offers insights only an experienced health provider would know. This establishes your authority on the subject.

Storytelling. Engage readers by incorporating real-life examples, case studies or client stories to illustrate key points. Personal accounts make the article more relatable.

Calls to action. At the end, invite readers to schedule an appointment to discuss their health needs. This turns general education into real business leads.

Links. Naturally work mentions of your health business into the content so you can link to your site. Don’t force it or over-optimize. Quality content comes first.

Top Health Service Guest Posting Opportunities

Here are some of the top health and wellness websites that accept and appreciate expert guest posts:

  • – A leading consumer health portal touching millions of readers monthly. Submit pitches to the editorial team.
  • – Holistic health site open to posts on fitness, nutrition, integrative medicine, and more.
  • – Widely-read medical information site accepting pitches on diseases, wellness, healthcare industry topics.
  • – This popular health portal welcomes posts from doctors and medical experts. Create a free account to submit.
  • – An authoritative voice in health news, they make it easy to submit guest article ideas for their editors’ review.
  • – Build your writer platform by publishing to your own Medium page, then link back to your site. Great for search visibility too.

How Guest Posting Can Benefit Health Services

Securing guest post placements on reputable sites offers many advantages for health service businesses, including:

  • Increased awareness – Provides exposure to new audiences who may become patients or clients.
  • Establishes credibility – Getting published shows you are a trusted source on health issues.
  • Improves SEO – Quality links can boost domain authority rankings and keywords.
  • Drives referral traffic – Links back to your site invite readers to learn more about your practice.
  • Thought leadership – Showcases your expertise which elevates your brand as an authority.
  • Lead generation – Calls to action can capture contact info for future appointments.
  • Affordable marketing – High ROI versus paid ads and time investment versus content costs.

The Importance of Guest Posting in Health Service Industry

Guest blogging is an especially effective marketing tactic for healthcare professionals to employ. Here’s why it’s so valuable:

  • It demonstrates your medical expertise and credentials to prospective patients researching conditions or treatments. Establishing trust and authority is key.
  • Health-related topics require sensitive handling that guest posting on niche sites can provide. Your content will be viewed as credible.
  • Inbound links from other medical sites signals to search engines that your practice is a trusted resource on those health issues.
  • Writing for sites already ranking well for medical keywords can help boost your own rankings by association, making it easier for local patients to find you.
  • Health consumers are actively looking for solutions online. Publishing where they already go allows you to get found by the right people at the right time when they need your services.
  • Sharing advice and education builds relationships with readers who will remember you when they need care in your specialty.

Guest Posting Strategies for Health Service Providers

Making the most of guest posting opportunities requires careful planning:

  • Choose reputable, high-traffic sites – Aim for authoritative publishers in your niche, not spammy directories. Check their metrics.
  • Review guidelines – Follow editorial guidelines to tailor submissions to their needs and voice. Show you respect their brand.
  • Pitch original, useful topics – Offer post ideas you know their audience will genuinely benefit from. Avoid self-promotional content.
  • Write compelling headlines – Draw readers in with titles reflecting the tangible value your post provides.
  • Provide images – Include relevant photos and graphics that add value. Always cite sources.
  • Insert links organically – Naturally work your mentions into the post so links feel useful, not forced.
  • Promote your posts – Share your guest articles on your own social media channels and newsletter to maximize impact.

How to Create Effective Health Service Guest Posts

Crafting compelling guest posts takes skill. Use these tips to create content that gets results:

  • Hook readers in the introduction with an interesting stat, story or question on your topic.
  • Structure content with subheads, bullets and callouts for easy skimming and SEO optimization.
  • Prioritize useful information readers want rather than talking about yourself. Offer actionable takeaways.
  • Explain health concepts clearly for a mainstream audience. Define any clinical terms.
  • Weave in real-life examples and patient stories so readers relate to and remember your advice.
  • Close by summarizing key points and suggest next steps, including seeing a provider like yourself for specialized care.
  • Proofread carefully to avoid typos and errors which undermine your credibility.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Health Service Guest Posting


  • Provide value and useful education for readers
  • Align post topics with site’s focus
  • Follow their editorial guidelines
  • Make sure links are relevant and natural
  • Promote your guest posts through your channels


  • Be overly self-promotional
  • Write on subjects outside their niche
  • Ignore their guidelines
  • Over-optimize with keywords
  • Rely solely on the site’s promotion

Guest Posting Best Practices for Health Service Marketers

These proven strategies will maximize your success as a health service guest blogger:

  • Take time to nurture relationships with blog editors and get to know their content style and audience. These partnerships lead to repeat placements.
  • Research their past articles to identify underserved topics and develop posts that fill those gaps. Tailor headlines specifically for that site.
  • Always provide value to readers first. Informational posts generate more business than self-focused content.
  • Ensure you have the rights to any images used and cite sources. Original photos and graphics add visual interest.
  • Upon publishing, promote your post yourself for added exposure. Email it to your list and share through your social channels.
  • After a week or so, follow up with the site to thank them and ask about metrics like page views and reader feedback. Offer to write again in the future.

Maximizing Your Reach Through Health Service Guest Posting

Making guest posting a consistent part of your digital marketing strategy is key to expanding your visibility and connecting with more of your ideal patients. Here are a few final tips:

  • Build a spreadsheet of target sites and their submission guidelines. Pitch various ideas monthly to put your posts in front of different audiences.
  • Repurpose guest posts into other formats after publication, like an infographic, slide presentation or video. Then promote these assets yourself as well.
  • Participate in relevant online health communities by providing helpful information. Your expertise and branding links in your profile will organically attract readers.
  • Leverage each guest post after it’s live by linking to it from your website, emails, social media and even other guest articles to maximize SEO juice.

Guest blogging takes effort, but implementing these best practices will help your health business publish content that attracts new patients, establishes you as an expert and boosts your visibility online.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I find guest posting opportunities in health services?

A: Search for top blogs and websites in your niche and review their guidelines for contributor submissions. Reaching out directly to editors with targeted pitches is most effective.

Q: How much should I write on myself vs. providing general health information?

A: Keep the focus on providing value for readers in an educational way. Briefly mentioning your relevant experience establishes expertise but don’t overly self-promote.

Q: What are red flags I should avoid when guest posting?

A: Don’t publish on low-quality or spammy sites with no real audience. Avoid keyword stuffing and awkwardly inserting links. Don’t repurpose old content.

Q: Should I publish under my name or my health business name?

A: Publish under your full name along with your professional credential or title to take advantage of personal branding while still mentioning your business.

Q: How can I track the results and ROI of my guest posting efforts?

A: Ask publishers for metrics on pageviews and feedback. Use UTM campaign tracking links to see traffic referred to your site. Monitor success converting email signups and appointments generated.


Implementing an effective guest posting strategy allows health service providers to showcase expertise, reach new patients, build brand awareness and drive website traffic. By consistently publishing valuable, relevant content on reputable sites in your field, you will enhance trust and credibility for your practice. Guest posts also provide SEO benefits to boost rankings and visibility. With a thoughtful approach, health businesses can leverage guest blogging opportunities to grow their brand influence and authority. It’s an investment well worth the time and effort.

  • JohnSmith

    JohnSmith is a writer, website created to provide the latest information in all fields: economics, culture, society, health, technology ... If you see interesting articles please share them. Thank you! Contact: Admin:

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