The Benefits of Travel Guest Blogging

Guest blogging has become an extremely popular and effective online marketing strategy for businesses in the travel industry. By publishing posts on popular travel blogs, you can expand your reach, boost brand awareness, and drive qualified traffic back to your own website. But doing travel guest posts the right way requires research, networking, and high-quality content creation.

How to Find Out Travel Guest Posting Sites?

Finding the best travel blogs and websites to contribute guest posts to is the first step. Here are some tips:

  • Use Google to search for terms like “top travel blogs” and “best travel websites.” Make a list of sites that rank on the first page.
  • Check out online directories like Travel Blog Success that list hundreds of travel blogs and their submission guidelines.
  • Search social media for popular hashtags like #travelblogger and #travelwriting to find active blogs.
  • Use tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs to generate lists of highly-trafficked blogs in your niche.
  • Network with other travel bloggers and ask for guest posting opportunities.
  • Check competitors’ guest posts to identify blogs open to contributions.
  • Focus on getting placements on authoritative sites related to your niche — food travel, family travel, outdoor adventure, etc.
  • Make sure to read the submission guidelines thoroughly before pitching guest posts.

How Do We Help in Promoting Your Travel Business Online?

As a professional travel blog network, we make it simple for travel brands to connect with the top blogs and websites in their niche. Here are some of the ways we can help promote your business:

  • We have existing relationships with hundreds of popular travel blogs that accept guest posts. This gives your pitches much higher acceptance rates.
  • Our network includes blogs with high domain authority and search traffic, allowing your links and brand to reach massive audiences.
  • We handle the entire guest posting process on your behalf — from initial blogger outreach to content writing, revisions, and final publication.
  • Our travel writing team creates completely custom-made, engaging posts designed to appeal to each blog’s audience.
  • We optimize guest posts for SEO with targeted keywords to maximize search visibility.
  • We add your custom links and bio to build quality backlinks for your site.
  • Your published posts drive referral traffic from high-quality sites, boosting brand authority and conversions.
  • We provide performance reporting so you can see the ROI from each guest post placement.

In short, we make it fast and efficient to leverage guest blogging for travel industry marketing and SEO.

Why You Should Consider Guest Posting for Your Travel Business

If you run any type of travel brand — tour agency, hotel, airline, tourism board, travel gear brand, etc. — guest posting deserves a place in your digital marketing strategy. Here are some of the top benefits of travel guest blogging:

Increased Brand Awareness – By publishing posts on popular, reputable travel blogs, you put your brand and website in front of massive new audiences in your target market. Bloggers usually include your name, bio, and links back to your site.

Improved Search Rankings – Guest posts allow you to earn high-quality, contextual backlinks from authority sites. This signals to Google that your site is trustworthy and boosts keyword rankings.

More Referral Traffic – Quality guest posts will send new visitors to your site through clicks on your bio link and internal links in the post content. Travelers love recommendations from blogs they follow.

Thought Leadership – Writing for industry blogs allows you to highlight your expertise through informative, educational posts that build brand authority.

Product and Service Promotion – Guest posts offer a subtle way to showcase your travel offerings through reviews, “best-of” lists, city guides, and travel tips.

Richer Consumer Data – The referral traffic from posts provides more behavioral data to analyze — location, devices, pages visited, engagement, conversions, etc.

Lead Generation – Calls-to-action in guest posts like offers, downloads, and contests can be used to capture new leads.

Cost-Effective Marketing – Guest posting has a much higher ROI than paid ads in most cases. And it builds brand assets that keep performing over time.

Overall, travel guest blogging at scale on the right websites provides tremendous benefits that boost your visibility, authority, traffic, and conversions.

Tips for Writing Successful Travel Guest Posts

Getting your guest post published is just the first step. To maximize results, the content itself needs to be engaging and compelling for the target audience. Here are some top tips for writing great travel guest posts:

  • Focus on quality over quantity. Aim for at least 500+ words of well-researched, useful advice instead of long content just to hit word counts.
  • Provide specific value to the readers. Give travel tips, reviews, recommendations, or other actionable information they won’t find elsewhere.
  • Align your tone and style with the blog. Study their content and mimic their voice to craft posts that fit seamlessly.
  • Make it skimmable. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, numbered lists, subheads, and bold text to increase readability.
  • Include stunning visuals. Relevant high-quality photos and graphics boost engagement. Always get permission to use images.
  • Embed links strategically. Naturally incorporate contextual links to internal pages on your site a few times within the content.
  • Close with a CTA. End each post with a call-to-action to visit your site, download an offer, or enter a contest.
  • Check for SEO optimization. Use target keywords appropriately without over-optimization and ensure technical elements like title tags and meta descriptions meet best practices.
  • Have a editor review before submission. A fresh look can improve the post substantially before sending to the blog.

By keeping the readers’ experience top of mind when guest posting, you’ll earn more clicks, shares, and conversions from each placement.

Dos and Don’ts for Travel Service Providers

Travel brands need to be careful when contributing guest posts to avoid coming across as overly promotional. Here are some key dos and don’ts to keep in mind:


  • Study the blog and tailor posts to their style and audience.
  • Provide useful tips and recommendations travelers will appreciate.
  • Share your unique travel experiences and stories.
  • Send drafts to the editor for feedback before publishing.
  • Promote your latest travel deals, contests, and offers subtly.
  • Respond to all comments and questions on your posts.
  • Link back to related content to keep readers on the site.


  • Focus solely on promoting your company or listings.
  • Send duplicate posts to multiple blogs.
  • Include too many overt ads, calls to action, or promotional language.
  • Use affiliate links or commercial anchor text in your links.
  • Send low-quality placeholder content just to get links.
  • Fail to respond to comments or questions on your post.
  • Republish guest posts from other sites without permission.

By keeping your posts informative, unique, and engaging, you’ll maximize their value for both audiences and your brand. Avoid overly self-promotional posts that read like press releases.

The Importance of SEO in Travel Guest Posting

While branding and traffic generation are big benefits of guest posting for travel brands, SEO impact should also be a core consideration. By posting on authority domains, using anchor text links, and optimizing for key topics, guest blogging dramatically improves search visibility.

Here are some key SEO tips for travel guest posts:

  • Target keywords that are relevant to the blog post topic and aligned with your core focus areas. Research volume and difficulty first.
  • Include target terms in anchor text links back to your site. Vary anchor text – don’t over-optimize with the same phrase.
  • Feature keywords in titles, subtitles, image names, and 2-3 times within the content.
  • Write in-depth, useful content rather than short promotional posts. Quality content earns better SEO results long-term.
  • Place links deeper within the content to make them appear more natural vs. only in author bios.
  • Acquire links from blogs with high authority metrics – Domain Authority, Page Authority, organic traffic.
  • Build an overall link strategy combining guest posts with other white hat tactics like resource link building.
  • Track ranking improvements for focus keywords and traffic growth from target sites.

With the right SEO approach, guest blogging can significantly strengthen your travel site’s visibility and authority in organic search.

The Future of Guest Posting in the Travel Industry

Guest blogging has become such a core digital marketing tactic for travel brands because it offers big benefits at relatively low costs. As blogging and content marketing continue to thrive in the travel space, brands investing in high-quality guest posting at scale stand to gain even more advantages.

Here are some predictions for the future of travel guest posting:

  • Increased use of data analytics to demonstrate clear ROI and optimize content.
  • More emphasis on video guest posts as video engagement grows across blogs.
  • Growth of guest posting on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and other emerging channels beyond blogs.
  • Higher production values for guest posts including professional photography, graphics, illustrations to capture attention.
  • Brands collaborating with influencer-level bloggers to co-create signature guest post franchises and recurring columns.
  • A shift from one-off posts to always-on contributor relationships publishing multiple times per year.
  • Wider adoption of contributor networks to streamline end-to-end guest posting at scale.
  • Stricter policies from Google penalizing low-quality guest posts with duplicative or promotional content.

Travel brands that evolve their strategies to focus on unique, audience-first guest content will continue to reap benefits as this high-impact tactic matures. Claiming your presence across top travel blogs now will pay dividends as competition increases in the future.

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With high search traffic and avid follower bases, popular travel blogs offer immense exposure potential for travel brands. A strategic guest posting strategy makes it possible to tap into these audiences to boost brand visibility and web traffic. But securing placements and writing compelling content takes significant time and effort. Partnering with a specialist travel contributor network simplifies the entire process so your marketing team can focus on your core business goals. Reach out today to learn more about amplifying your brand’s reach through travel guest posting.


Q: How do I find the best travel blogs to write for?

A: Research top blogs in your niche using Google, social media, and blogger databases. Prioritize blogs with high traffic, engagement, and reputation in your target area.

Q: Should I pay travel blogs to publish guest posts?

A: Most top blogs accept posts in exchange for links and exposure instead of payment. Never buy links that pass PageRank or use other tactics Google considers link schemes.

Q: How much should I promote my company in a travel guest post?

A: Subtly mention your relevant products/services where appropriate but focus most of the content on useful information for readers. Avoid sounding like an ad or press release.

Q: What’s the best way to incorporate keywords in travel guest posts?

A: Seamlessly work target keywords into your post naturally in titles, section headers, image alt text, links, and 2-3 times in paragraph copy. Don’t over-optimize.

Q: How long should my travel guest posts be?

A: Most travel blogs look for posts ranging from 500-1500+ words long. Focus on providing quality, engaging content vs. trying to hit a word count.

  • JohnSmith

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