What is the Eightfold Path? 8 paths towards enlightenment

What is the Eightfold Path?

The Eightfold Path are the eight righteous paths or the eight miraculous means that bring sentient beings to a magical life. Or is the main eight-branch path towards liberating enlightenment.

The Eightfold Path is also known with another name as the Noble Eightfold Path, the Eightfold Path, the Eight-Way Path, the Eight-Way Path, the Eight-Act, the Eight-Path, the Eight-Path, the Eight-Path, or the Eight-Path.

The Noble Eightfold Path belongs to the Noble Truth of the Four Noble Truths that the Buddha teaches in the Buddhist teachings.

The considered, contemplated eightfold Path must be done when and only if each step is fully accepted as part of the life you seek. Buddhism never requires blind faith, Buddhism only seeks to promote learning and self-discovery.

The Eightfold Path includes:

– Right understanding (skrt: samyag-dṛṣṭi, pāli: sammàditthi): see it right. 

– Right Thought (skrt: Samyak-saṁkalpa, pāli: sammàsankappa): right thought. 

– Right speech (skrt: Samyag-vāc, pāli: sammàvàca): right. 

– Right karma (skrt: Samyak-karmānta, pāli: samm kammata): works properly. 

– Right life (skrt: Smnyag-ājīva, pāli: sammàjiva): live right. 

– Right diligence (skrt: Samyag-vyāyāma, pāli: sammààyàma): right diligence. 

– Mindfulness (skrt: Samyak-smṛti, pāli: sammà satti): remember correctly. 

– Right concentration (Samyak-samadhi, pāli: sammà samàdhi): correct concentration.

The Eightfold Path can be divided into three groups according to the experimental properties of each branch:

  1.             Tue (Prajna, Av. Wisdom) includes:
  2. Right understanding.
  3. Right thinking.

This group aims to cultivate and cultivate wisdom to go towards the path of enlightenment (awakening).

Right understanding thanks to the help of Right Thought to observe the object to determine what is right and what is wrong.

  1.           Morality / morality (Sila, Av. Morality) includes:
  2. Right Speech.
  3. Right karma.
  4. Right life.

This group aims to cultivate and cultivate good moral acts such as compassionate heart, compassionate mind through what you say, through what you do, and through your career you choose to live.

  1.           Dinh (Samadhi, Av. Concentration) includes:
  2. Right diligence.
  3. Mindfulness.
  4. Right concentration.

This group helps to focus on pure, good objects to attain nirvana, to liberation.

The path of practice of the Eightfold Path is also the path of Sila – Samadhi – Wisdom practice

The Eight Paths to Enlightenment include:

1. Right understanding

Righteousness is righteousness, righteousness; Ants are seeing, awareness.

Right view is seeing, hearing, righteous, upright perception; understanding life impermanence, dissatisfaction conditions, and life’s interdependent factors cause dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction.

People with right understanding know what is false, what is real. And when you know the fake scene, the object is lying, the eyes are not attentive, the mind is not attentive; And when we know the real scene, the truthful words, we focus on the truth, making the lily lights shine, the ceiling money cannot be hidden.

Just as you can read the directions on the map, do research to prepare for the journey… reading and checking the information is very important, but only stop at the preparation stage. On a deeper level, firsthand experience leads us to right understanding.

Practical knowledge is of little value, if we do not place it in the personal experience of our lives. Therefore, right understanding here is not theoretical understanding but understanding and realizing the truth through personal experience.

* True understanding:

-Understanding that all things that exist in this world are conditioned by conditions, not enduring and always disappearing.

– Be aware of cause and effect – karma to act.

– Recognize the existential value of human body and everything around.

– Consciousness of Suffering- Impermanence- Anatta of all things.

– Realize all beings of the same pure being.

– Realizing the Four Noble Truths- The ten dualities and conditions, do not accept often, accept accept.

* Understanding is not true:

 – Accept God of creation, do not believe in cause and effect of karma.

– Negate all things that exist, do not perceive them from dependent origination.

– Accept prejudice; the concept of inequality between people and things.

– Stubbornness in knowledge and delusion; do not believe in the liberating fruits.

2.  Right thinking

Right thinking is thinking rightly with the right, rejecting ideas of being greedy, damaging, cruel and cruel to others; always developing and cultivating altruism, love for people, and intent to treat everyone, always generating good will towards all beings, always thinking of those who are suffering to bring goodness. for them, to release their suffering.

Practitioners follow the practice of Righteous thinking, often consider sublime morality, think and find the miraculous nature, know how to consider wrong actions, bad thoughts to confess; know to think about the three unsuspecting things: Gender, Dinh, Hue, to cultivate liberation; know the cause of ignorance and the cause of suffering, which is the source of crime, and find the right way to practice to liberate oneself and for others.

* Righteous thoughts:

-Thinking of the cause of our suffering and sentient beings, where ignorance is the source of all sins, to know that practice in order to find relief for ourselves and for others.

– Thinking of Precepts – Concentration – Wisdom as the basis of progressing to attain Nirvana attainment.

* Untrue thinking:

– Thinking about benefits, talents, fame find hundreds of thousands of schemes to harm people.

– Thinking of ways to better than people, all schemes to revenge; bewitchment; rely on human beliefs to fascinate.

3. Right Speech

Right speech is speech that must be true, right, because words with a power that can do good can also cause harm to the listener. People often say what they think, so Right Speech must follow Right Thought; so you must think carefully before saying: “Words do not cost money to buy / Choose words that please each other.”

No matter whose words are as long as the words are true and appropriate, then just believe and cultivate.

So, the right words, reasonable, beneficial for all sentient beings is right speech. Those words we must believe and practice to say exactly like that.

* Honest words:

-While, honest, fair, unbiased, amiable, simple and wise.

-The words are beneficial, homogeneous and of a diligent nature, promoting, opening the light of self-enlightenment in each other.

-The words are in the nature of honoring human morality; praise the Dharma of Compassion and Wisdom.

* Untruthful words:

– Words are divided, not true.

– Words to harm people, distorting, bias, flattering.

– Curse, scold, slanderous and vulgar words.

– Words to protect Falls and Falls.

4.  Right karma

Right karma is any action that must be consistent with the right, do not harm any animal, any person, even do not have an intention to harm anyone.

Right thinking also describes and thinks about righteous karma. In other words, a person with a righteous karma is always having good moral behavior, avoiding damaging the interests and honor of others.

The person who follows the “right karma” is a person who is always cautious, preserving all his actions, so as not to harm the interests, jobs, status, prestige, happiness, and lives of others. Moreover, the righteous person always respects his professional conscience, always acts in the benefit of everyone and everything; And if necessary, we can sacrifice our power or our lives to release suffering for others.

* Righteous action:

– Act according to the right, respect the right to coexistence of all people, all species.

– Careful action does not harm the profession, property, dignity and status of others.

– Righteous action is the act of conscience, morality in one’s position, knowing how to preserve the character.

– Know the righteous sacrifices to bring benefits to the living population.

* Unrighteous actions:

-Action does not keep the rules and precepts.

– Act only for his sake but harm people.

5. Right life

Right-life is to do a job for a living to avoid harming others. Buddhism often encourages people to take away assets because it binds them. Actually, there is nothing that prohibits the accumulation of money and the purchase of precious jewelry. It all depends on where this property is related. Traditionally wealth can be a sign of good karma. Abundant wealth can also give a practitioner an opportunity to help others through one’s compassion.

People who follow the Chief Justice of the Dharma live in accordance with the Dharma, have no superstition, and know that the four elements are impermanent, so they take the pure precepts as their own, use wisdom as their life, leave the concept of hope, and be happy with the Dharma.

*  True life:

-Living by ability, righteous talent, not deceiving people.

– Living in high quality, true Dharma is not superstitious.

*  Life is not true:

– To harm and upset everyone’s mind.

– Live on a sliver, use a tongue, a broker for friendly transactions.

– Live by superstition, superstition; depend on others.

6. Right diligence

Right diligence is the mental discipline to put effort, diligence, patience to use the appropriate effort between the two extremes: one side is lazy, the other is overdoing it. Right diligence is to eliminate improper attitudes and thoughts. We already know that the Buddha tried to resist obstacles to reach enlightenment: He was tempted by the young Mara, but he was not moved to reach enlightenment.

The person who follows the righteous diligence, first of all, is always eager to correct himself, resolutely eliminates evil, and is determined to develop all good actions (see all the Four Chiefs needed). One who follows the righteous diligence, courageously moves forward on the way to liberation, until the ultimate, ultimate goal is reached (see the paragraph “Tan radical” in all Five senses). Determined to create a free karma out of the world, take the right mind as a force, take Nirvana as the direction, one heart does not delay, many lifetimes do not move, meticulously determined, determined to become a result before self, after the change sentient beings.

*  True diligence:

– Determined to eliminate the evil deeds that have been born, prevent unborn evil.

– Specializing in doing good deeds.

– Diligently cultivate merit and wisdom.

*  Diligence is not true:

– Who is drunk with the five senses and pleasure.

– Is someone who is drunk on pleasures to harm others, not self-moderation.

7. Mindfulness

Mindfulness means connecting our lives to what we are doing now. For example, when we eat, we pay attention to eating, when we read a book we pay attention to reading, when we read the Buddhist scriptures we pay attention and when we are driving, we focus on driving a car, when we wash dishes, we pay attention. on washing dishes.

Mindfulness causes us to recall things from the past, especially to focus on the things we regret. Mindfulness makes us think about the future, especially the things we worry about. Then mindfulness helps us to return to the present moment to pay attention to the things we want and are happening in the present and find a suitable solution.

Mindfulness has two parts:

  1. a) Mindfulness:thinking of mistakes to sincerely repent, and thinking of the Four Favors: the grace of parents, the grace of the fatherland, the gift of sentient beings, and the gift of the Three Jewels to take care of repayment.
  2. b) Righteous Mindfulness:using compassion to consider life as suffering, sickness, and confusion that beings are suffering, to extend love and decide to save.

People who follow right mindfulness, often contemplate the true police, are capable of commemorating the legal aid; Wherever you are and what you do, remember to think about the fruit of the world, no matter how many lives you have, you will not be distracted.

*  True memory:

– Remember gifts.

– Remember the old mistakes, do not re-commit them in the present and in the future.

*  Not true memories:

– Recalling hatred for revenge.

– Remember fragile happiness with no benefit.

– Recall the heroic actions, using cunning and brutal tricks to take pride in pride.

*  True contemplation:

– Contemplating Compassion: Seeing the suffering of beings in samsara, being compassionate, finding many means to help them. Seeing one’s and one’s delusion leading to sorrow, compassion, suffering, pros and cons and the brain, practice the Buddha’s teaching to end delusion.

– Contemplating Wisdom Mindfulness: Contemplating the causes of cosmic biochemistry, óan body, good and bad, high and low; contemplate the reality of the dhammas to progress firmly on the path of liberation.

*  Contemplation is not true:

– Remember to think about sensual pleasures, feelings.

Remember to think about plans, conspiracies and means of killing each other.

– Remember to think of cunning text to deceive people.

8. Right concentration

Right concentration is to focus your thoughts on something good like compassion, like the impermanence of life. Our mentality is seen as a dusty mirror, Right concentration is seen as cleaning the mirror to make it clear. In other words, Right concentration makes the mind clear to see things as it exists in reality.

Right concentration helps us to fully see the impermanence, the conditionedness of all things and all situations in life to help us reduce anxiety, fear, doubt, attachment, anger and delusions about a thing or a problem; and because of that, our life will be more peaceful, more skillful, and more compassionate to benefit ourselves and others.

People who follow right concentration often gather their thoughts to observe the following main issues:

Contemplating the impure body: (impure mindfulness) means visualizing the impure body, in order to eliminate craving and delusion (see again the paragraph: “contemplate the impure body” in the Four Foundations of Mindfulness).

Compassion contemplation: (compassionate contemplation) is the visualization of all sentient beings as a true mind, equal to no difference, to eliminate hatred, and to extend love to save sentient beings.

Contemplation of conditions and conditions: contemplating all tangible dhammas as all things, invisible as mind are all falsified, interdependent, there are, but not truthfully, not permanent, to leave except ignorance, legal accept.

Distinguishing precepts: (precepts discriminate) means to distinguish and visualize the fusion of the 18 precepts: 6 bases, 6 ceilings, 6 consciousness to see that there is no “self,” in order to subtract ego, legal compliance.

Breathing contemplation: (book of contemplation) means perception by concentrating on counting the breaths in and out, to treat the confusion of consciousness.

*  True meditation:

– Impure contemplation: contemplating impure dhammas, to eliminate craving, delusion, etc. …….

Compassionate Quan: Observing all sentient beings with the same pure nature, nothing more and no less to respect, respect and subtract hatred.

– Causes and conditions: Conceiving all the dharma is due to conditions and conditions, there is no separate dharma in the world, which is equivalent to intermingling (the Sutras), not true, not eternal, to eliminate ignorance challenge.

– About discerning: Means to distinguish and observe the fusion of the 18 precepts (6 bases, 6 ceilings, 6 consciousness) to see that there is no legal self and eliminate stubborn ignorance.

– Instance book: Means to contemplate the breath, to treat the scattered mind to go deeply into meditation.

*  Meditation is not true:

-Security to pray for the birth of the heavens.

-The concentration to practice spells, magic powers, miracles, immortality.

In fact, all the teachings of the Buddha, what he taught for 45 years whether done in one way or another with this path. He explained it in different ways and in different words to different people, according to their stage of development. But the nature of the thousands of teachings everywhere in the Buddhist scriptures is found in the Eightfold Path.

Practicing the Eightfold Path is the practice of Body – Speech – Our Mind. When practicing the Eightfold Path, we reap many good results.

The Eightfold Path is the foundation of Right Awareness, the basis of Liberation – Enlightenment.

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