In today’s world, companies understand that their customers are online and that to beat or even join the competition and online strategy is necessary, the problem is that with online marketing there are so many options and variables that getting it right isn’t as easy as one may assume. Digital marketing is comprised of many disciplines including: SEM (Search Engine marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), PPC (Pay Per Click), Social Media, Email marketing, Marketing Automation, Growth marketing, Influencer Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and the list goes on.
How Digital Marketing works
While there are many platforms, which can be used, the general idea is that there are publishers, companies that have ad space inventory and advertisers, those who want to advertise on the ad space. Google for example has two main advertising platforms, it has AdSense which enables people with websites, blogs, forums and other online media to add Google ads to their site, it then also has AdWords which enables advertisers to bid and place ads on those sites. Google works as a mediator between the publisher and advertiser and takes a cut, so for example if a click on an ad cost $1 the advertiser pays $1, the publisher would then get like $0.68 and Google would get like $0.32 (hypothetical numbers).
Each platform offers various targeting options and bidding options based on their inventory but the general idea is the same, the Digital Marketers job is to understand all these mechanisms and elements and understand how to choose the right combination and build a strategy for a particular business.
So how can you make sure you are doing it right?
The answer is simple, read as much as you can, join mailing lists of various publications such as Social Media Today, Social Media Week, Marketing Land, MOZ, MarketingProfs etc. Join Digital marketing groups on LinkedIn and read up on it as much as you can.
While I have personally read many marketing books “Secrets Of A Digital Marketing Ninja” by Daniel Rosenfeld is by far one of the best books I have recently read on the subject, it gives you an in-depth understanding of the various tools but more importantly the structure and base upon which to use them. The book is written not only for marketers who want to improve their online knowledge but also for business managers and entrepreneurs who want to gain an understanding of digital marketing and improve their ventures.
Tips for becoming a ninja in digital marketing
- Never stop learning
The digital marketing industry is rapidly growing and the competition is increasing day by day. In this tough zone, in order for you to succeed, you must have the eagerness and passion to learn more and more every day. Only then you will be able to compete in this unbelievably competitive field.
- Stay up to date
Always keep on your toes, huge platform like Google, Facebook and Twitter change their advertising policies within the blink of an eye. You must learn to keep up with their speed and always check in on social media regularly for latest updates.
These few websites will help you keep posted about everything that is happening and should be your concern.
SEOlium – Professional Google Rank Tracker
SEO – Moz, backlinko, Search Engine Land
PPC – PPC Hero, Search Engine Land
Social Media – Social Media Examiner, Social Media Today
- The importance of networking
Engage with others in your network, while you may be a pro, there is much to learn and many opportunities out there. You network can also help recommend tactics, tools and even suggest co-workers. Attend professional conferences as much as possible; they are the key to meeting new people and making you network bigger.
- Personal ideas
Just because you are working for a client, doesn’t mean you are bound to him. Use your own creativity. Take projects that you like or initiate your own. You have the talent, learn to use it in the best ways possible.
- Learning terminologies
If you want to be a marketing expert, some of the basic terminologies of this field should be on your fingertips and their concepts must be crystal clear to you. Digital marketers need to be comfortable with acronyms such as PPC, SEM and SEO. They are all very different terms with a misunderstanding of them being a clear sign that you have a beginner’s skill set and need further training.
There are tons of people out there that are working day and night to become an expert marketer. Companies will always find candidates suitable for their jobs but what you need to understand is that instead of focusing on a company’s attributes, focus on what you can do best and choose your field wisely. Specialize in something that you know you will be good at.