What is hemorrhoids? Symptoms and how to cure

What are the common symptoms of early hemorrhoids? It can be said that hemorrhoids are a disease that brings a lot of troubles and is the most influential of the rectal-rectal diseases today. If you did not treat early, signs of hemorrhoids early stages are easy to cause dangerous complications such as anal fissures, rectal cancer, even life-threatening patients.  The post will help you understand more about symptoms and cure hemorrhoids.

What is hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are not simply diseases of veins. These are diseases of a vascular system from arterioles, veins, connecting arteries to smooth muscles and connective tissue lined with normal epithelial layers of the anal canal. The venous plexus located in the submucosa is supported by elastic fibrous tissue structure. Frequent pressure increases such as straining the bowel, with constant blood stasis will lead to dilatation and formation of hemorrhoids in the lumen of the anal canal. At the same time, the older, the supporting connective tissue structure is increasingly weakened, the hemorrhoids tufts gradually out of the anal hole leading to internal hemorrhoids.

Classification of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids mainly have 2 types, including internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.

External hemorrhoids: When tufts of hemorrhoids come below the comb line (also called the anal-rectum line), it is called external hemorrhoids. At this time, the hemorrhoids are covered with squamous epithelium and are located below the skin surrounding the anus.

Internal hemorrhoids: If the hemorrhoids originate above the pathway, they are called internal hemorrhoids, and the hemorrhoids are covered with mucous and transitional epithelium.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids may include

  • You should bleed without pain during bowel movements. At first, discreet amounts of bright red blood can be seen on toilet paper or in the toilet. Bleeding is the earliest and most common symptom of hemorrhoids. Later, after pushing, blood flows into drops or rays. Heavier than when squatting also bleed.
  • Itching or irritation in the anal area due to mucus from the secretion of the anal canal.
  • Pain or discomfort, ranging from painless, little to very painful due to anal fissure, occlusion or stuffiness.
  • Swelling around the anus
  • A bulging mass near the anus, burning or pain (possibly a thrombus in a hemorrhoid)

Furthermore, symptoms of hemorrhoids often depend on the location

  • External hemorrhoids are the most uncomfortable, because the skin on the hemorrhoids is irritated and ulcerated. If a blood clot forms inside an external hemorrhoid, the pain can be sudden and severe much. The patient may feel or see a bulging mass around the anus. Blood clots may be absorbed, leaving the wrinkled skin irritated and irritated.
  • Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless, even when they are bleeding (bleeding). The person may, for example, see bright red blood on toilet paper or drip into the toilet bowl. Hemorrhoids are often not visible or felt, and they are rarely uncomfortable. During straining, the stool that passes through the anus can scratch the surface of the hemorrhoids and bleed. Internal hemorrhoids may also fall out of the anus to create internal hemorrhoids. When the hemorrhoids is prolapsed, it can absorb a small amount of mucus and stool that can cause irritation that causes itching, pain and burning. Repeated cleaning to try to reduce itching may worsen the problem.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

  • Internally medical treatment: A diet high in fiber is an effective cure hemorrhoids, limiting stimulants such as alcohol and chili. You avoid strenuous activity and sitting too much or standing for too long. Change your bowel habits to avoid constipation. Furthermore, you also sit soaked anal in warm water helps improve symptoms.
  • Surgical treatment

+ For cases of hemorrhoids with thrombotic complications: thrombotic hemorrhoids should be intervened early by performing the classic method of removal or combining thrombosis with hemorrhoids by methods other.

+ The procedure of tying the hemorrhoids with a rubber band or a vascular injection to raising the hemorrhoids, usually applied to cases of mild hemorrhoids

+ Injections are indicated in hemorrhoids 1 and 2, not indicated for external hemorrhoids, thrombotic hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids with ulcers or necrosis. For the procedure of prickling treatment, 1-2 ml of fiber-making substance (usually sodium tetradecyl sulfate or 5% phenol, quinine, urea hydrochloride, polidocanol) is injected with a 25-gauge needle into the submucosa

+ THD is performed under ultrasound guidance to block the blood supply to the anus, thereby reducing hemorrhoid bulge.

+ Cut hemorrhoids with classic methods: Milligan Morgan, Ferguson, White Head, these methods intervene directly into the hemorrhoids so they often cause pain.

Note when treating hemorrhoids

  • Surgery is not indicated in immunocompromised patients or those with active colitis. Emergency hemorrhoid surgery is associated with a higher complication rate.
  • Acute complications related to the treatment of hemorrhoids include pain, infection, recurrent bleeding and urinary retention. Late complications include incontinence due to anal sphincter injury during dissection.
  • JohnSmith

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