Tips To Manage Your Thyroid

Increased muscle cramps, new weight gain, or unusual fatigue? A butterfly-shaped gland in your neck called the Thyroid gland may be to blame. This gland contains different cells that store the thyroid hormones. Such hormones control the body’s metabolism. The thyroid hormone regulates various vital functions of the human body. Thyroid problems are more common in women compared to males. Read the following text for new tips recommended by Thyroid Specialists to manage your thyroid health.

How the Thyroid Gland Works

The thyroid pumps out the important hormones called triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones are partially made up of iodine. This is how the gland affects your entire body and overall health.

The Heart

Thyroid hormones affect heart health, it affects heart rate and helps regulate blood flow by relaxing the muscles in the blood vessel walls.


Menstrual health is affected by thyroid hormones in women. You can have abnormal ovulation and period intervals when they’re out of sync.


Thyroid hormones’ levels control the pace at which old bones are broken down, when that cycle speeds up, bone is weakened faster than it can be replaced by new bone mass. Bone health is affected and it can lead to osteoporosis.


Since the thyroid controls your metabolism (how quickly your body burns through food), an overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism is linked to weight loss, whereas hypothyroidism is linked to new weight gain.

The Brain

Low levels of thyroid can cause forgetfulness, concentration problems, blurry text, and depression. Fortunately, with the new synthetic hormone therapy, those effects appear to improve.

Know Your Symptoms

It may be difficult to diagnose both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism since the new signs or conditions have an ambiguous view and are similar to other ailments in people. So if you view more than two of the common symptoms below, discuss getting your thyroid checked with your doctor. Share your symptoms with the best Thyroid doctors. In extreme cases, these new symptoms may even be Thyroid Cancer in some people. Swelling in the neck area and a nearby site is the first indicator.

Dr Jane Harding is a general surgeon who specialises in endocrine surgery, thyroid surgeon melbourne, providing a range of professional medical services for patients suffering from diseases linked to the thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands.


Some of the common symptoms or signs you may view are dry skin and hair, forgetfulness, constipation, sluggish feeling, muscle cramps, new weight gain, heavier or irregular menstrual bleeding in women, a new swelling in the neck, increased sensitivity to cold. Reach out to your doctor and share the symptoms you experience as it may be an indicator of a severe disease like cancer or a disorder for some people.


Common symptoms or signs you may view are irritability, increased sweating, heart palpitations, sleeping trouble, frequent bowel movements, new weight loss, irregular and lighter periods in women, bulging eyes, and shaking hands. If left unchecked, it may even lead to cancer.

Tips to Maintain a Healthy Thyroid

1. Avoid Stress

Stress interferes with thyroid’s proper functioning. Take up a new hobby. Activities such as Yoga, Meditation, martial arts, or listening to music are useful in relieving tension. Medicines to relieve stress could be used in extreme cases too. Check with your Endocrinologist Thyroid doctor if new medicines could be used for your symptoms or conditions. Stress is linked to other disease risks too.

2. Exercise Everyday

Save your Thyroid by exercising regularly. Staying active is the right way to maintain a healthy thyroid. It can also keep away harmful diseases. Thyroid imbalances can cause sluggishness and depression. It’s important to exercise for at least 20 minutes a day. A short brisk walk or a jog in a park can help maintain a healthy weight. Don’t try a new activity at the beginning, save your muscles by sticking to walks or jogs. You can also include breathing exercises, inhale through the nose, hold your breath, and exhale through your mouth. This exercise relaxes the body. Aerobic or cardio exercises are another great way to maintain a healthy thyroid. These exercises must be done at least 4-5 days a week. Aerobic exercises consist of swimming, cycling, and hiking. Choose whichever new exercise fits your body capacity and schedule. Start small and move on to new exercises as you progress.

Know what you are dealing with. Avoid taking any new medications without consulting your doctor first.

3. Get Enough Rest

Sleep for at least 8-9 hours every day. Don’t wake up at the new time each time. Don’t view text or watch movies on mobile or laptop screens before bed. Know that Thyroid issues can lead to tiredness and so a good rest is necessary to remain healthy. Opt to go to bed early and get up early, so you get enough time for exercising properly. You’ll also save time to eat a proper breakfast and not rush to the office.

4. Watch Out for New and Sudden Pain

Thyroid problems might cause calcium deficiency. Additionally, the risk of muscle fatigue and joint pain is greater. It’s also essential to concentrate on posture, along with daily workouts, diet, and medications. Long working hours and endless typing of text can cause muscle problems like muscular spasms, muscle tightness, and in some cases muscle weakness. Don’t bend your back for long periods of time if you are suffering from persistent neck pains. Attempt to level your spine as you sit in front of your computer or laptop. If you suffer from back pain, keep a new cushion or pillow at the back of your chair. Try not to bend directly when lifting heavy items. Try to follow the 20-20-20 rule. Don’t sit for more than 20 minutes. Get up after every 20 minutes of sitting, and keep your view to 20 feet in the distance and blink your eyes 20 times. This rule will also save your eyes in the long run.

Recommended Diet for Hyperthyroidism

Dairy products and Vitamin D

Hyperthyroidism may account for bone weakening, so it’s important to save your bones by including dairy products like curd, cheese, and milk in your diet to build up calcium. Try to include dairy products thrice a day in your diet.  Since there is an increased chance of osteoporosis, and bone cancer, get enough sunlight. Some food like fish, mushrooms, and eggs can provide small amounts of vitamin D.

Protein Rich Food

Hyperthyroidism can account for new muscle weakness as there is significant weight loss. So include fish, soy, pulses, and meat in your diet.


Include food things like Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage in your diet. They are rich in goitrogens. Goitrogens are substances that interfere with iodine absorption in the thyroid gland to disrupt the development of thyroid hormones.

Low Glycemic index diet

Weight loss is the main concern of Hyperthyroidism, a diet with a low glycemic index and high calories like whole grains, beans, and cereals should be included in the diet.

Zinc and Antioxidants

Include Zinc rich food things like almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds in your diet. Try to consume food that is rich in antioxidants like berries, cranberries, beans, hazelnuts, and other nuts.

Food to Avoid

You need to avoid food that is made of white flour, sugary sweets, and cakes. Avoid alcohol because it interferes with thyroid function and may also react with the thyroid-related medications you may be taking.

Recommended Diet for Hypothyroidism

Selenium rich diet is recommended because selenium aids in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. You need to consume Sunflower seeds, as they are rich in Selenium. Include Tyrosine rich foods like cheese, fish, chicken, eggs, and nuts. Tyrosine is a kind of amino acid that helps to produce T3 and T4 hormones. Hypothyroidism can cause constipation so You need to consume fiber rich foods like cornflakes, cereal, rice, pulses, nuts, etc. Consume plenty of low calorie and high-density food like cherries and sweet potatoes to help manage Hypothyroidism.

Foods To Avoid

It is important to avoid vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, kale, turnips, and cauliflower, as they account for interference with thyroid development. Fatty foods should be cut because they contribute to weight gain. Unhealthy junk food should be avoided at all costs. This includes butter, mayonnaise, margarine, and sugary food like donuts, cakes, and sweets.


In most cases of Thyroid problems, it can be helped just by watching what you eat. So, there’s no need to panic that you might end up with a grave illness like Thyroid Cancer. Consult India’s best Endocrinologists on what diet to follow and don’t choose to follow any new fad diets from the text of flashy blogs as they may cause more harm than good. It’s best to follow the advice of a doctor or an expert.

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