Why should women get the cervical cancer vaccine?

Genital diseases such as cervical cancer, are more and more common due to many different reasons. However, many of you still rely on or hesitate to get sick, so early examination and treatment is still very limited. Vaccines are available now, so who should be vaccinated against cervical cancer? Vaccines are divided into several types?

1. Why should the cervical cancer vaccine be given?

Cervical cancer is one of the most common diseases in women, affecting the health and spiritual life of the patient. This disease is caused by a virus that is quite common for genital diseases – the HPV virus. The attack of this virus can cause malignant lesions around the cervix in various forms.

Uterine cancer is a common disease among women

The progression of cervical cancer is difficult to control and its symptoms are easily confused with common gynecological infections. Therefore, most of you detect the disease at a quite late time, making the treatment process difficult and the results are not as expected. Besides, the virus can attack, infect and injure many other organs.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health of the world, cervical cancer is a gynecological disease with a relatively high number of patients, ranking second among the total diseases in women. In particular, the HPV Information Center statistics in Vietnam, the number of patients with cervical cancer increased to 14 cases per day. At the same time, the number of patients dying from this disease accounts for half (ie 7 people). Therefore, the vaccine for cervical cancer is very necessary for women.

2. How many types of cervical cancer vaccine are included?

In addition to the issue of vaccination against cervical cancer or not, many people also want to be answered about the vaccines used today. In fact, in Vietnam, there are only two types of cervical cancer vaccine used: Cervarix (from Belgium) and Gardasil (from the US). With each vaccine, there will be a different number of strains of HPV and a different schedule of vaccination.

Depending on your own conditions and needs, you can choose one of these two vaccines. To better understand some of the characteristics and requirements for each vaccine, the following are the most specific shares:

Gardasil vaccine is capable of preventing 4 types of HPV

2.1. As for the vaccine Gardasil

This vaccine is effective against 4 types of HPV that are common in women and cause a number of gynecological diseases of 6, 11, 16 and 18. When choosing the Cervarix vaccine for cervical cancer, the Permitted age ranges from 9 to 26 years old. For the Belgian vaccine, you will need to complete a course of 3 shots. The duration of the injections is also fixed by day:

  • The first nose: injected on the first day.

  • Second shot: 2 months interval with the first injection.

  • Third shot: time of injection with the first injection is 6 months.

2.2. As for the Cervarix vaccine

Cervarix vaccine is effective against the 2 most common types of HPV, 16 and 18. At the same time, the age of which this vaccine is used is limited from 10 to 25 years. The dose of Cervarix vaccine is similar to Gardasil, but the vaccination schedule has changed more. Specifically:

  • The first nose: injected on the first day.

  • The second shot: 1 month from the time of the first injection.

  • The third shot: 6 months after the first injection.

3. Contraindication and contraindication to vaccine users

As recommended by the World Health Department, women between the ages of 9 and 26 should participate in cervical cancer vaccination to achieve optimal effectiveness. In addition, the vaccinated person is not restricted from having sex or not. Some of you have also wondered if women over the age of 30 who already have children can get the HPV vaccine? In fact, you can still get the vaccine, but its effectiveness may not be high.

In addition to the above basic requirements, when participating in the cervical cancer vaccination, you must also meet the following conditions:

  • Good healthy.

To get vaccinated against diseases need to ensure good health

  • There is no history of exposure to the HPV virus.

  • The period of 4 weeks prior to joining the first shot vaccination does not get any vaccine. Also, do not use drugs that have an immunosuppressive effect, such as anti-transplant rejection drugs or corticosteroids.

  • No Pap test is required before the vaccination .

In addition, you should also note the following subjects are not allowed to use vaccines:

  • People suffering from some serious acute illnesses.

  • People with yeast hypersensitivity or allergies to any of the vaccine ingredients.

  • Women who are breastfeeding, are pregnant or plan to become pregnant for the next 6 months. For those who are vaccinated against cancer but found pregnant, the following vaccinations must be stopped. After giving birth, you should get the other shots, but make sure the shots are within the time allowed, ie 2 years.

4. Some notes when vaccinating against cervical cancer

Most women participating in vaccination achieved the desired effect. However, you should also be aware of some issues during the injection process as well as before and after the injection. To help you understand better, here are some experiences shared by experts.

  • To ensure the safety and effectiveness of the preventive vaccine, sexually active women should participate in gynecological examination and perform screening before registering for vaccination.

  • Inject all 3 shots required by each vaccine, and you also have to make sure the timing of the shots is in accordance with the prescription of your doctor.

Vaccinate according to doctor’s orders

  • In cases where the successors are delayed compared to expected, it is not necessary to re-inject from the beginning. You can consult and get additional injections as soon as possible so that the effectiveness of the vaccine is not affected much.

Some of you wonder if there have been any changes or abnormalities after vaccination? In fact, in a few cases, after vaccination the body develops some symptoms due to side effects of drugs. However, you can rest assured because these symptoms are controllable and do not affect your health much. Specifically:

  • Pain, redness, or swelling where the injection was given after injection.

  • There is a rash on the injection site and a slightly itchy sensation, but it should subside and go away after a short time.

  • To ensure health, everyone should participate in a 30-minute monitoring under the control of the staff of the health center to promptly handle other arising problems. Also follow up at home 72 hours after vaccination.

Cervical cancer vaccine is very essential for many women. Because, this is a dangerous disease and has a great impact on the health and future life of each person. In addition, you also need to note about the best time of vaccination to achieve the desired effect.

Genital diseases such as cervical cancer, are more and more common due to many different reasons. However, many of you still rely on or hesitate to get sick, so early examination and treatment is still very limited. Vaccines are available now, so who should be vaccinated against cervical cancer? Vaccines are divided into several types?

  • JohnSmith

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