7 Benchmarks That Make A Great Event Staffing Agency

Marketing is a go-to solution for any brand looking forward to making a mark in the industry. Customers crave physical connections in the digital world. This creates demand for transparency making marketing a wonderful way to give customers in-person brand experience. This doesn’t happen automatically, you have to create engaging fun-filled experiences. These should spark conversations so people keep talking about your product or service.

Event staff plays a vital role in giving the ideal brand experience. These people humanize your brand by giving it life. Hiring the right event staff is a move that requires assistance from a reputable Dubai event staffing agency. Event staffing has no single size fits all solution. So, here are the benchmarks to tell you are working with a great event staffing agency.

Industry experience

Enlisting service from a reputable staffing agency is a step to making stellar product activation. Veteran agencies come with expertise and resources to handpick, vet, and identify ideal staff to man your event. These are evaluated to match your needs and wants. More years in the industry gives peace of mind that they have seen it all. The volatile industry is filled with unpredictable, flaky, and less professional people.

Working with one of the best event management companies in Dubai saves you from a lot of trouble. This agency understands potential eventualities that might disorganize your event. Additionally, the agency easily identifies red flags and determines proactive solutions. Grasping the ins and outs regarding the event staffing requires years in the industry. Finding an event staffing agency that has been in business for a while is a wise move. It protects you from fly-by-night staffing agencies that might not work to your expectations.


The rule of thumb is to enlist the service of a staffing agency with a diverse portfolio. This agency should handle a variety of events and activations. Such a company will be ready to help you accordingly regardless of whether you have a product launch, sampling activity, or trade show. An agency should offer staffing for various roles including product specialists, brand ambassadors, and costume characters. The staffing agency should have the staff to represent various industries and with deep understanding, of the right people to successfully pull off your event.

Reviews and testimonials

A great staffing agency should have good relationships with existing clients. Understanding that other brands trust the agency gives peace of mind. Repeat clients or long business contracts means brands love working with that staffing agency. Doing due diligence allows making informed decisions regarding the best staff sourcing agency for your event.

Equally important is to read reviews and testimonials about the agency. These offer insight into what past clients think about the agency service. More positive reviews is a sign that the agency does a wonderful job offering the right staff to customers’ events. Making this step is a very important aspect of working with a staffing agency to provide the right people to handle your event.

Screening process

Before working with an event staffing agency, understanding their screening process is very important. This allows understanding how the people to handle your event are chosen. The ideal agency should have a pool of models from diverse backgrounds and experiences. And, these need special vetting to find the right match for customers’ needs.

Handpicking the right models to handle your event is a very important step. This is done with your project guidelines in place. Perhaps you have special requirements like bilingual staff and a particular height or weight. The company should select the right people who understand your scope of work during a simple briefing.


Working with a staffing agency in your local area is a wonderful thing. Equally important is working with one with nationwide staffing capabilities. This agency needs resources to have staff for all markets. The ideal event staffing agency is one that handles your business needs regardless of location, event size, and region. This gives peace of mind that you are not to seek a different staffing agency for each event.

Reliable staff

Things don’t always come out as expected. Imagine the staffing agency promising to send models who fail to show up at the venue. This is very inconveniences and likely to throw you into a panic. So, working with a staffing agency with reliable staff is essential. Reliability allows your event to happen without ugly scenes that might determine your overall experience. Equally important is for the person to have a number of promotional models who can come in when others don’t turn up.

Value for money

Finally, getting good value for money is the ultimate goal of bringing an event staffing agency on board. The ideal agency provides more than staff to man your event. These help strategize, execute, and manage your event through tasks including:

  • Optima engagement throughout the event
  • Project and onsite agency management
  • Working together with your in-house staff
  • Making Post-event reports and follow-ups
  • Handling vendor recommendations

Wrapping up

Staffing can make or break your event. So, a reputable staffing agency is your best bet for a successful event. This will handpick models to handle assigned tasks at your event while giving guests a pleasant experience.

  • JohnSmith

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