11 Proven Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Website owners and entrepreneurs rack their brains, trying to devise ways to increase traffic to their website. Setting up a website, or a blog site is relatively simpler, compared to making money from them.

Alone, we cannot patronize our business. We need more and more people to learn about our business and only then the sales and revenue will increase. In this article, readers educate themselves with 11 ways they can guarantee themselves of higher website traffic.

Aim Contents With Search Traffic Potential

Search engine optimization (SEO) parameters help to delimit a topic or achieve the top rank in the most renowned SERPs. With the SEO parameters set, a website owner can assure himself of steady, long-term effects. The two key factors that play with the ranking in SERP are:

  1. Search volume is the number of times the search keyword makes round in the Google search page, every month, in a specific country.
  2. Keyword Difficulty is a parameter that estimates how complex a keyword is on the difficulty index. It is denoted by a positive integer value ranging from 0 to 100.

Together, these SEO parameters juxtapose with one another and produce high traffic potential website content free from rigorous competition, and counts steep business value.

Remove “Expired” Content

Refreshing the content on your website is like doing a spring cleaning. There are going to be media files and texts which produce obsolete information or outdated content which netizens will not find informative.

 The website admin and content creators have to validate the information from time to time so that people are glued to the content presented on the web page. Removing expired content and updated content gives users the feeling that the website is on terms with the current affairs and imparts correct information to its readers.

Introduce Rich Infographics

In recent times, things such as themes and beautification of content change rapidly. Do we like those archaic dull and classic displays? This is the age for a rich, high-quality fluid display of web content. If you are willing to drive lots of viewers to your webpage, ensure that what you produce is visually appealing.

Interesting content, animation, dynamic arrangement of slides, easy transitions and pop-ups, colour coordinated webpages with hues and contrasts, all of these add to the look and feel of the website. Users will connect with the website easily, and frequently making it a type of clickbait.

Mobile Usability

With the increased usage of smart phones, most websites extend their support to a readable view of mobile phones as well. How often do you notice someone looking up something from their cell phone? Almost every instant. Keeping that in mind, to attract a large mass of viewers web designers are making sites mobile phone friendly.

Developers customize the UI and UX to create sites that have a proportionate view in mobiles. The links, pages, sub-pages, lists and look-ups made for mobile usage. If your site has a similar architecture, it will witness traffic as users will not have to wait to lay hands on a computer before accessing the website.

Facebook Ads

Don’t sit back if you want your website to be accessed by people from different parts of the globe. Advertising your website on Facebook is a lucrative choice. Social networking platforms like Facebook clock billions of followers each month.

Want access to the global populous? You can advertise on a platform like Facebook. As long as your offer is enticing enough, and you can convert that traffic into sales with a great sales page or free offer, then you can scale this marketing initiative out infinitely to drive nearly unlimited sales.

Advertise On Instagram

Instagram is a source of growth of sales and revenue for many website owners. It is the most engaging social networking site after Facebook. One commercial on Instagram about your profile can bring in lots of views. You can share snippets of website details in an Instagram commercial.

You can also create a business account of your enterprise with Instagram. Mention the website in your bio and link every Instagram post from that profile to your website. Many e-commerce sites have adopted this free technique to scale up their business with Instagram.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing or affiliate marketing is a great way to earn millions of followers with the help of a recognized social media personality. It is the newest kind of online promotion that business owners can do to bolster traffic to their website.

After finishing the development of a niche website for your business, you need to pay an influencer to promote your business to the mass of followers that the influencer has in his or her social media handle. Fans and followers, route themselves to follow what the influencers say online. Who knows, the next influencer marketing of your website can be the big break you were looking for.

Catch Hold Of LinkedIn

Believe us when we say this, what Facebook and Instagram cannot, LinkedIn can. For a long time, this social media for business and professionals, help to derive quality inputs and improve the condition of the business.

LinkedIn has a portal where entrepreneurs can post great content about their websites. It is the right place to market with your high-quality content. Customers who use LinkedIn are all professionals and have the purpose of using it. That is why leveraging a LinkedIn market strategy will render greater website traffic.

Google Re-Targeting Ads

Re-targeting Google commercials is a splendid way to generate a higher number of visits to your website. Suppose a user visits the website for browsing, Google re-targeting ads remind the user of the website with the help of ads when the user browses other sites.

It makes use of the conversion pixel for buying and is an exceptional way to connect with people who’ve ventured to your site. Google search engine markets your website to them soon after they’ve left.

Collaborate With Other Brands

Alone you are weak but when you collaborate with other brands you can make it big. Wondering how you can do that? A bigger brand with a stronger customer base can refer and recommend users to try the products and services of the new brand they are collaborating with.

For example, a recently posted commercial of Vodafone shows that if you subscribe to a plan of a certain amount, then you are automatically eligible for a free subscription of some OTT platforms. Any package on Reliance Jio network sometimes gives you free access to Jio Saavn Pro without any extra charges. Collaboration can foster traffic to your website.

Email Marketing

Email marketing can effectively drive traffic to your site or blog post. They can send a personal email to your inbox and forward offers, thus marketing their brand. A lead magnet and a sales funnel are created, to build up a list where you can barter any of your offers.


Driving traffic to a website even if you pay money for every single click is not as easy. If you have thought a lot, but failed to figure out how to hone your sales, try the proven ways to increase traffic and watch your business curve go up.

Author Bio:

Name: Bhavik Soni

Bio: Bhavik Soni is a Creative Writer at Auto Monkey. We provide an original analysis of the latest happenings in the social media industry. Connect with Latest Social Media Trends and News plus tips on Twitter, Facebook and other social tools on the web.

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