A medical student and a biomedical science graduate studying at king’s college London i have a really interesting day for you today I’m actually on my way to London to meet a few of my friends to practice for our upcoming practical exam, which we have in just over a week’s time which I’m super excited for as well and also be doing a bit of revision in the library for my written exams which. I have in just over a week but my train is actually in one minute.
I’m going try my best not to miss this train, um but do me a favor and sit back to relax and enjoy. The post, and I’ll see you guys on the next shot. I hope you guys enjoyed all of that b-roll footage that I recorded for you, and it was lovely to be back on campus. I honestly can’t remember. The last time i was back physically on campus was because I’ve been in my hospital placements for such a long time now so it’s charming to be back in the flesh and the reason why i had to be back on campus. Many of my friends have pending assignments during exams, so they took assistance from cmi assignment help to save their time before exam.
Practice while studying
I said we have our practical ski exams coming up in just over a week so to practice the practical skills we need all of the equipment that you can see in the post now. We need and actually recreates a hospital environment really well so we’re able to actually practice in an actual simulated hospital environment.
The first thing that we decided to work on was our surgical scrubbing up skills now as junior doctors at least one of. The jobs that we’ll be working on has to be surgical job so that might be obstetrics and gynecology it might be urology whatever it might be and as part of that job as a junior doctor, we might actually have to work with consultants and help them with any surgeries that. They might be performing so in order actually to practice scrubbing up and getting into our surgical gear. My friends are taking assistance from computer science assignment help to understand some concepts because they have experts of every field.
Scrubbing up:
The first thing we decided to work on was scrubbing up now; another critical skill that we need to be competent in as a junior doctor is placing a urinary catheter into a patient this is essentially a thin flexible tube that goes up. The urethra into a patient’s bladder and might be able to relieve the pain and pressure that a patient might experience. When not able to urinate, this is a condition that you may have heard of called urinary retention. To practice a skill, we use these lovely plastic dummies that we have available to us in the practical center, and we have the same anatomy that an actual patient does, thus allowing us to perform.
This procedure in a safe manner we took turns on the dummy and spent around half an hour practicing categorization on the dummy before moving on to the next skill so at this point, urine would be flying out, in theory, yeah so that that part we should move and put under there before we catheterize yeah exactly all right what does this alright I’m gone take.
Performing an ECG:
I’m gonna fake this thing on the faces and then. I will fall quickly yeah feel that tug there we go give a thumbs up now the final skill that we decided to practice was performing an ECG and although this is usually a technique that. The nurses helped us out with it’s still really important for a doctor to be able to not only interpret but also perform an ECG, just in case and as well as. That we also finished off practicing taking blood from an artery which you can see my boy NASA performing after around three and a half hours of practicing we got quite hungry, so we decided to go.
The local Tesco is just down the road from our campus. I got my usual chocolate chip brioche rolls, which managed to keep me going. The next break we had which was lunch time before actually taking a break lunch we headed to the library where we decided to practice our clinical examination skills what you’re watching is me performing a cardiac examination on my boy Nasir aka karma medic no need to introduce it I’m sure, and this was actually.
Utilize holiday gaps:
The last bit of ousting practice we got in today for reasons that you’re just about to find out all right guys, I’m actually just heating up my lunch, as you can see behind me, and we’ve just had some really unfortunate news um in the med school we’ve actually just found out that our skin exam are actually canceled these are the exams. I was actually preparing for, and we were all preparing for you know, the last couple of weeks now, we found out they’ve actually been canceled and rescheduled to another date I’m not entirely sure about which is kind of sucks because all of our exam are med school is written supposed to be next week and.
The osce exam was supposed to be a week after and after that we were supposed to be done entirely with red school and go on holiday or you know have a bit of time off and come back for our placements it’s kind of sad to hear that um unfortunately due to covert unfortunately due to like staff shortages in the NHS right now they’ve wholly rescheduled our practical exams which means that the rest of the day is not going to be spent uh practicing on our practical skills like you just saw I’m actually going to pay. The rest of the day in the library with my friends, practicing for our written exams.
Do some revision before the exam:
We do have next week, and our written exams are actually still going ahead so she will need actually to do some revision and preparation for that, so yeah. I was looking forward to getting all of these exams out of the way, and unfortunately, uh, we have to sort of go over everything we’ve done this morning at another date in time. The post hasn’t stopped here we’re still going to head back to the library and do some work I’m going to eat my lunch as you can see for a couple of minutes with my friends and get back to work.
I’ll see you guys in the next shot after taking a quick break for lunch, we then headed back to the library to get back to work over the next couple of hours; we decided to sit together as part of a group and actually go through a bunch of past paper questions one thing that. What I love about working together my friends is that it’s so much more fun, you know, discussing.