What Should I Text When Dating?

What’s up, guys? I’m about to drop some bombs on you. Have you ever been at a loss for words when talking to that beautiful dollface? Talk about one hell of a struggle, am I right? That’s why I’m going to tell you why this real dating advice for men is essential.

Let’s face it. We’ve all been there. But how many of you can relate to what my major setback was?

Have you ever been stuck like Chuck and not know what to text that gorgeous girl you’ve been dating?

Or, maybe even IF you should text her what you want to at all?


This was my struggle.

And I stumbled upon the solution.

I don’t want other guys to EPICALLY FAIL at texting when dating.

I’m telling you, guys, this is the most incredible advice I’ve ever seen.


So, after I discovered that this was the surefire way to not screw up my chances with this BAD CHICK that I didn’t want to lose, I just knew I had to share.

I wanted to make sure that any guy out there who’s trying to keep a girl but is on the verge of losing her can finally have hope.

In this post, I’m going to tell you how to text and what to text ANY girl while dating.

This is a powerful way to keep her interest and make her want you.

And, seriously? I can’t even believe that I learned this info from where I did.

But I can assure you that it’s the most LEGIT dating advice for men that I’ve ever come across.

Are you ready?

If so, let’s get this started before it’s too late.

Tick – Tock

I want you to know that this advice has taught me that time is of the essence.

That’s why you must not only listen but HEAR me very carefully.

This, in particular, applies to anyone whom

  • Gets the feeling that they’re driving her away with every text they send.
  • Has NO CLUE what in the hell they’re going to say to keep her hooked.
  • Wants to get her all HOT AND BOTHERED about meeting up with them.

This is for the guys who wonder if they should send this lovely lady a compliment … or is that too forward?

I know that at the time I was thinking of sending this girl a pick-up line

… but then again, I thought, ‘What if she finds it too cliché?’

I mean, it’s obvious I want this chick. So of course, I’m going to go the extra mile to really stand out.

I knew I wanted to catch her eye more than anything.

However, I didn’t want it to seem like I was trying too hard.

Finding Reliable Dating Advice for Men

So after surfing through some research online, I finally found the ONLY reliable source for dating advice for men.

This source is the REALEST I’ve ever had the privilege of getting to learn the secrets of dating women from.

This dating coach has helped me to get my mind right so that women are drawn to me like a magnet.

And that, my dudes, is “wassup”.

In addition to teaching you everything you need to know to attract, date, and get any girl you want, this dating coach also provides products, conferences, and phone calls.



So, I needed to share this truth bomb.

Female dating coaches are the smartest way to gain access to REAL KNOWLEDGE when it comes to understanding what women want, how they think, and how to be the man that ANY and EVERY WOMAN WANTS!

Get a Better Understanding of How Women Work

The dating advice for men that my amazing dating coach has taught me is that CONFIDENCE IS KEY.

I have to admit, I haven’t always been the boldest of dudes.

But if there’s one thing I can say for myself, I’ll try anything once.

So I gathered my cojones and listened to her first lesson.

Here’s the scenario she gave me:

If you’re in a relationship that’s just starting out, everything is new and the excitement of being around this beautiful new woman is going to drive you mad at times.

When that happens, we tend to be in a sort of daze. We can’t think about anything else but her.

So much so, that we can’t even get our thoughts together well enough to compose a text message to her.

It’s because we overthink it.

We DON’T want to sound like every other guy.

And we DAMN SURE DON’T WANT to come off the wrong way because of something we type haphazardly and then hit the send key.

No, we need a better understanding of how women work.

That’s why we also need to know what we can do to make sure even in texts, we are making the girl we want to continue to want us too.

What She Really Wants You to Text Her

The struggle is real guys.

But it doesn’t have to be anymore.

If you’ve been sweatin’ the last message you sent your bae, then chances are what my female dating coach has taught me so far is bound to help you too, dude.

So, if you’re at a loss for things to say, try one of these texts out. This is clearly how she’s wanting you to text:

Start a Text Conversation with Your Girl

– In order to come across as playful, intellectual, flirty, or funny, you’re going to need a text conversation starter. This is the perfect way to start a convo with your girl. Plus, a text from you out of the blue is going to make her feel special. That’s because she’s going to know you’ve got her on your mind. And in turn, she’s going to keep you on hers too.

Know What To Text A Girl

– Once you reach that point where you’re texting her pretty regularly, you’ll need to know what to text your beautiful lady that will hold her attention.  When you keep your texts interesting, this is going to make her feel like you are someone who can hold her attention and not leave her bored and silent.

  1. “Whoa! We just started dating, and he’s constantly calling me ‘baby’? Am I not special enough to call me by my real name, EVER?”
  2. “Did he call me ‘baby’ to be sweet… or did he forget which chick he was with?”

Use Her Name

– If you happen to be that guy that starts every text to his girl by calling her a ‘pet name’ instead of her actual name, then you’re not going to stand a chance at keeping her. She’s going to feel very important to you. She’ll probably think of one of two things:

…And if you don’t use her name at all, it seems like a generic text that you could send to any girl.

Final Word

I’m telling you guys, just that little piece of info about how to text while you’re dating has literally been a GAME CHANGER.

I want to see you guys be just as successful as I am now.

And it wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t find the LAST FEMALE FRIEND I’LL EVER NEED.

A female dating coach who provides you with NO B.S. dating advice for men is going to be the most helpful person in your life when it comes to showing you how to get and keep ANY LADY you’ve got your eyes set on.

  • JohnSmith

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