Earning a degree from an accredited college, such as USC, tells the world that you are a well-educated person with a broad academic knowledge, which you achieved through taking general education courses. If you are considering how you are going to get into one of those health care careers, you have probably looked at several universities and seen something about general education courses or core classes. Almost every university requires some form of general education courses, but the exact requirements can vary greatly.
What Are General Education Courses?
English, history, science, and math. Those core topics you studied in high school make up the bulk of general education courses. No matter what degree you pursue, you will have to take at least one or two courses in each of these major topics. Depending on the focus of the university you attend, you may also have requirements in areas like religion, culture, or a foreign language.
What Is the Purpose of General Education Courses?
For some students, why you need these courses are a puzzle. It doesn’t make sense that you have to study biology when you are majoring in business. Colleges have several reasons for making these courses mandatory. First, many students have uncovered their true passion by taking general education courses. After taking a general education course, you may find yourself minoring or majoring in something you had never considered before.
Second, the required courses ensure that every college graduate has the same basic toolset. Colleges want you to graduate with strong analytical tendencies, writing skills, and an understanding of modern society. Having this policy in place ensures that chemistry majors can communicate by writing and that English majors understand the scientific method.
Is There Any Flexibility in General Education Courses?
If you are terrified by calculus or an English class, don’t worry. Colleges want you to succeed, so there are many options for your general education courses. For instance, you can fulfill your math requirement with Algebra, Business Math, or Calculus. You can fill your English requirements with Technical Writing or Literature Analysis. Also, some schools will let you travel abroad to fulfill your general education requirement.
Can You Transfer General Education Courses?
One big advantage of general education courses is that they can be easily transferred. Math is math, whether you are taking it at your local community college or Harvard. If you have taken general education courses before, there is a pretty good chance that you can apply them toward more degree options now. This transferability will keep you from retaking courses if you decide to switch between schools. Some states even guarantee that you can transfer your general education courses. So go ahead and learn about healthcare degree options at your dream school.
Once you graduate college, some of your fondest memories might come from your general education courses. Since this may be your only experience in a certain field, go ahead and enjoy your class. Consider how the information you learn can be applied to your field of study. Since these are transferrable, go ahead and sign up for some today and get them out of the way.